I was fortunate to begin the career I am so passionate about at a world class consulting firm where I was well trained in the fundamentals of management consulting. But after a year, I felt confident that I could help clients in a much more comprehensive and cost-effective way by adding expertise in Organizational Psychology and focusing on much more than improving strategy and processes. The human side of getting business done was my fascination and I knew that it was the key to true business success. It truly was and still is and yet many leaders find this crucial element of running an organization to be very challenging.
Just as in anything in life, no one can possibly know how to do everything and do it well. Realizing your limitations is one crucial indication of a true Leader's self-insight. Not asking for help when a specialized job needs to be done is often a sign of inflated ego and an indication or poor leadership ability. Decades before the word "coaching" was a common practice, internships, significant training and mentorship were the means for learning how to do a job. Many businesses seem to have forgotten the value and this "art" of developing professional expertise and I am advocate and reminder of why it's so important. I have many effective traits, skills, competencies and knowledge to share with you - not to mention perpetual creativity and ideas.
You’d think that generations of technology improvements and Board retreats would create better places to work but employee dissatisfaction and lack of retention are at an all time high. Why? No one wants to be treated poorly and can only handle it for so long before they quit or burn out. When I wrote the books "Running on Empty" (about stress-induced burnout) and "Wounded by Work" (understanding your impact as a leader), 20 years ago, I never imagined that our workplace cultures in America would not be improved by now and it's so easy to do! Treating employees unfairly is not only illegal (with regard to EEOC and DOL laws and compliance regulations that many organizations are sadly neglectful in understanding and enforcing) but there is a strong movement of employees and candidates refusing to put up with bad behavior as their options to be self-employed increase. Generations X,Y and Z are very entrepreneurial, more values-oriented and are literally your competition if you don't create a GREAT place for them to work. They've been playing online games for years and they want to WIN, which means work at their highest level, have attention, development and succeed quickly. The younger generations want egalitarian leaders and collaboration to leverage their innovative minds and rapid communication. They are accused of changing jobs rapidly and won't put up with authoritarian managers and "just deal with it" like Boomers did. Can you entice the innovative generations to stay in your organization? Of course you can! Ask us how.
I'm sure you've heard and experienced that dissatisfied talent assets leave Bosses, not jobs. Companies are nothing more than the founder's mission of that business, processes that enable it to serve their customers and bosses who are supposed to be effectively leading others to achieve the goals. Lack of clarity, leadership & business competence or diligence in hiring and respecting the right talent assets onboard will undermine an organization's success every time. It's important to know that most people are NOT born to be natural leaders. Leaders are developed. Everyone with people management authority MUST be trained in the essentials of effective leadership. It's not expensive and easy to customize for any business. Just as in the Hippocratic Oath that medical professionals take, I believe that business owners should have the same intention to DO NO HARM. We can help you do that.
But there's a LOT more at stake than just making money, achieving status or building the biggest business. It's all about PEOPLE. They create, market and sell your products and services - and buy them too. We're not selling to robots yet! And people need to be cared about and nurtured. They need to feel like they are IMPORTANT as both employees and customers. Building an effective business is NOT about the Quantity of anything. Quality is the foundation on which a an enterprise must be developed. That requires expertise in strategy, planning, branding, people management and culture creation, among other things. It takes investment in the things that matter and eliminating wasted money and effort in things that don't. The good news is that you can re-design and improve every aspect of your business at any time! With the right knowledge, effort, an attitude of continual improvement and serving others, you can build your enterprise to last. It would be our privilege to guide you.
Let's get acquainted, discuss your challenges & aspirations and make a plan for greater SUCCESS!